Your Thoughts - Beware, and Be Aware!

Initial Thoughts, Beware, and Be Aware!

In the intricate web of our experiences, emotions act as beacons, sometimes signaling the presence of something significant. Yet, behind these emotions lie automatic thoughts—influential whispers (and sometimes shouts) that can guide our feelings and actions without conscious effort.

When emotions occur within us, it can be a cue to pay attention. These emotions are most often generated because of our value system, and behind them lie automatic thoughts, ingrained and instinctive. They stem from our belief systems, shaping our experiences and perpetuating cycles that keep us locked in familiar (perhaps unwanted) patterns.

The interplay between thoughts and emotions forms a feedback loop, capturing us in repetitive cycles of feeling, thinking, and behaving. These cycles, often etched in our psyche since childhood, form the ruts in which we navigate our lives.

But there’s good news! A tried-and-true route exists to break this cycle: purposeful, intentional thinking. But not just any thoughts; clear, truthful, powerful thoughts are the pathway towards steering our lives and fostering emotions that resonate with our authentic selves. I can show you how to learn to accept your feelings, read them, find out what they mean, and more importantly, I can help you understand how to use what you learn to cultivate a method of “being” that fits the true you.

Keep reading on the third post to find out more.


Emotions are our Friends


Thoughts you have on Purpose = Your Greatest Allies